The Custodian's Eye

the custodians eye bosses remnant 2 wiki guide 300px
Race N'Erud Robots
Location N'Erud - Spectrum Nexus
Weakness Main Eye

The Custodian's Eye is a Boss in Remnant 2. The Custodian's Eye is the main Sentinel as it moves and looks similar. Bosses are the ultimate Enemies as they present a more challenging battle than Enemies or "Elite" Enemies, they are usually found guarding special locations or items, and some of them are important to the Lore and main Story of the game. 


Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Information

  • Is this an optional boss? Yes
  • Weak Against: Main Eye


Where to find The Custodian's Eye in Remnant 2

The Custodian's Eye can be found in the following Locations:


Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Drops & Rewards

Defeat The Custodian's Eye to loot the following drops or gain the following rewards:


Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Strategies

Video Strategies

[Video Example]


Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Strategy Writeup

The key to fighting the Custodian's Eye is to keep a close watch on its tells. Each attack is avoidable, however several of them require that you get in position before the boss begins to act. This boss is particularly tanky due to its weakpoint only being exposed while it's firing beam attacks, making conservation of health resources critical towards winning the battle of attrition. Fortunately, the eye drones it spawns give ample amounts of ammunition, which makes the fight considerably easier without the need to use Ammo Boxes to shore up ammo management.

Attacks & Counter

Attack Counter
Direct Beam: Fires a large, slow moving purple beam that traces various patterns across the arena and leaves a patch of damaging energy behind. Stay of out of the track, the beam moves slowly giving you time to shoot their eye.
Additional Eyes: Spawns 3 hovering eye drones which will follow you around the arena and have a basic shooting attack. You can destroy these things before they attack you. They count as kills for relics and rings, and also drop ammunition.
Tiles on the ground will start shining, then drop far enough to inflict fall damage. Tiles will then flash, giving warning before inflicting damage if the player does not move.

Patches of tiles along the edge that do not shine remain at the top. One patch will have an elevated tile you can hide behind, or you can dodge through the spinning laser.

You can also drop down to the lower level (though this will inflict fall damage) and avoid standing on the flashing tiles. Do note that falling usually causes the Eye to spawn Additional Eyes.

Triple Beam:  Added after 50% health. The ground turns into a crater while the boss shoots three blue beams that track you slowly. Avoid falling down in the middle. The middle and outer rings are easy to avoid the beams, and can mostly be dodged at regular jogging speed.
Rapid Fire: Added after 50% health. Sections of the ground are raised, and the boss rapidly fires blue bolts at the player.

Cover will come up out of the ground periodically for you to hide behind. Be prepared as the second batch of cover doesn't come out until after the first goes away.

The bolts also do not track the player after being fired, and can be dodged at a run or a roll.

Double Sweep Beam: boss fires a red horizontal beam from one end of arena to the other, then repeats once more. Typically spawns additional eyes before hand. Either hide behind a pillar or dodge roll through the beams.


Remnant 2 The Custodian's Eye Notes & Trivia and Gallery

  • In several portions of the fight, the Custodian's Eye will attack you from both above and below, along with minions from the side. Increasing your FOV under Esc -> Options ->  Video -> Advanced -> FOV Modifier will help you see attacks from multiple angles.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia for The Custodian's Eye in Remnant 2 go here.


All Bosses in Remnant 2
Abomination  ♦  Abyssal Dreadnought  ♦  Annihilation  ♦  Atrophy  ♦  Bane  ♦  Befouled Altar  ♦  Blightspawn  ♦  Bloat King  ♦  Bruin, Blade of The King  ♦  Cancer  ♦  Charred Sentry  ♦  Cinderclad Monolith  ♦  Corrupted Ravager  ♦  Corruptor  ♦  Defiler  ♦  E D Alpha  ♦  Faelin  ♦  Faerin  ♦  Fester  ♦  Fetid Corpse  ♦  Firth: The Oathkeeper  ♦  Goreglut  ♦  Gorge  ♦  Grime Crawler  ♦  Gwendil The Unburnt  ♦  Kaeula's Shadow  ♦  Labyrinth Sentinel  ♦  Legion  ♦  Lichwing  ♦  Lydusa  ♦  Magister Dullain  ♦  Mangled Atoner  ♦  Mantagora  ♦  Mother Mind  ♦  Plaguebringer  ♦  Primogenitor  ♦  Protector of the Grove  ♦  Root Mantis  ♦  Rot  ♦  Severed Husk  ♦  Sha'Hala Spectral Guardian of N'Erud  ♦  Shrewd  ♦  Stonewing Lurker  ♦  Sunken Witch  ♦  Tal Ratha  ♦  Tal Ratha (Metaphysical)  ♦  The Astropath  ♦  The Bloodless Heir  ♦  The Council  ♦  The Emissary  ♦  The Executioner  ♦  The Fractured  ♦  The Huntress  ♦  The Nightweaver  ♦  The One True King  ♦  The Progeny  ♦  The Red Prince  ♦  The Stonewarden  ♦  The Weald Stalker and The Gnarled Archer  ♦  Venom  ♦  Venomspine  ♦  W D 109  ♦  Wither


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    • Anonymous

      I finally beat him solo on my first Apoc run. Terrible boss. It probably took 40 tries attempting various builds. Too many Apoc builds rely on equipment that you can't get until you've completed your first Apoc or Hardcore run. I finally beat him using a mod build with firestorm. Not sure if it's intentional or a glitch, but spamming the eye with firestorm can cause him to freeze up. Seemed to stay locked up as long as the fire was burning. Never made it to the blue orbs phase. Don't care if it was a glitch or not. I'll take the win and hope to never see the eye again (at least not solo).

      • Anonymous

        I only beat it because I killed it before the it’s blue balls attack. Stack the damage buffs & don’t stop shooting it the entire time. Tough boss.

        • Anonymous

          Want to know how I know that Gunfire never playtests anything in their games? This boss+trapper is how. Oh you wanted to dodge behind cover to avoid the blue balls of death? TOO BAD!

          • Anonymous

            Worst boss in the game and it isn't even close. People complain about Dullain or Venom or Annihilation, etc. THIS is the TRUE worst boss in the game. Even Sha'Hala has its good aspects despite being cancer. This boss has NO redeeming qualities at all. None. Not a single one. The blue projectile attack is basically conjured ice 2.0 with a timer. The entire arena suffers from the same problems the Corruptor boss has where you spend more time platforming than actually fighting. YOU HAVE TO HAVE ENERGY WALL AND BLACK CAT BAND just for the blue projectile attack. This entire boss is so damn monotonous, tedious, and if you get certain suffixes on it YOU WILL NOT WIN. Whoever designed this boss should be fired.

            • Anonymous

              The entire boss is cancer. Prob designed by the same idiot that designed Ikro in Remnant FTA. Dude seems to love bullet hells with particle effects everywhere.

              • Anonymous

                As someone below stated, the blue projectile attack is the only true unfair attack in the entire game. The platforms that pop up are random and sometimes they can be so far away you just WON'T make it it time. I would advise to most certainly use the black cat band and either the cube gun's mod or energy wall mod and any "return to life" prime perks like challenger or handler have for this fight simply because of the blue projectile attack. Also I'd use any stamina boosting items I could as well. It is one of the only things in the game that makes me feel trepidation because of how BS it is without specific stuff to counter.

                • Anonymous

                  Me and some friends were just doing our first apoc run, and got this boss.

                  Skullcracker and trapper.

                  You cannot ever roll, because the trap can now stagger you. The purple laser also stunlocks you to death, and sweeping lasers cannot be rolled like you would want to. So much of this boss begs you to roll to the side and reactively roll to cover, but you can only neutral evade. We ended up having to cheese him with leto tank+absurd stacked health regen+maxed revivalist for when the boss STILL manages to one shot us.

                  • Anonymous

                    sure why not a boss that one-shots you if you dont have super heavy armour AND a hostile terrain to **** you up as well?

                    • Anonymous

                      The rapid fire blue projectile attack it does is one of the only attacks in the entire game I consider unfair. It has the same issue as Ikro's conjured ice in Remnant 1 where if you don't have cover or in this case cover and endurance you are dead. I lost a hardcore character because of the sheer RNG of which platforms/columns switch and couldn't make it to another column in time even with enough stamina to reach it.

                      • Anonymous


                        • Anonymous

                          So, playing solo, finished the game on normal, spawned a nightmare campaign just for shits and giggles and be tormented, played a bunch of adventures on veteran to get items and, hell, why not and now have reached this guy on the campaign as a progress boss to get the last key for the custodian. He spawns with spiteful and skullbasher. I'm pretty sure i'm never going to beat him, sure everything was challenging till now and kicked my teeth more than once but this guy.... I don't thing there is anything I can do, his purple laser is ridiculous, if it touches me it explodes just after me and I die. One hit. If I roll and I mess up just a smidge and go over one of the explosions, they explode (duh) the laser catches up to me and I die. Also, the blue balls are insanity. As soon as I see his eye go blue I know I'm dead. Have reached that point about 10 times till know and EVERY time I die to those. Really hit a brick wall here...

                          • It's one of the easiest fights in my opinion. Not only fun but an easy script. Jog away from purple beam, back step the double red beam sweeps, kill the 4 summons, repeat until 2nd phase. In phase 2; stay up top it's safer, always prioritize killing summons, dodge the even slower red beams, treat blue thin beams same as purple (walk away from them), if blue projectiles are coming use cover and dodge if cover shifts. Hell, the cube gun probably negates most of that attack if not on Apoc. The hardest part for me is killing the summons in a timely manner because I'm not a normie with a machinegun. (Actually that's my same issue with Anni as well. Orbs often get me.)

                            • Anonymous

                              Apocalypse + spiteful modifier = mandatory no hit fight?

                              Once the boss reaches around 40% of its max hp, any attack one shots me. What can I do? I don't want to git gud.

                              • Anonymous

                                I did not enjoy this boss. Admittedly, it spawned for me with Vicious, but every hit did a massive portion of my health. It reminded me a lot of the big rat boss from Remnant 1 Prisoner DLC with the exploding adds and holes in the floor: one mistake and you're very likely dead. One shots were common, especially with the sweeping red laser and the blue orb at low health. The hit boxes of a lot of the attacks were also really wide, larger than I expected, so it's very easy to get "hit" by an attack. For the rotating red laser, the weak spot is at the very bottom of it (hard to see but can be hit) and the neutral dodge is what you need, just move up in between each time so you don't fall off your little platform. Interestingly, I did survive the fall once, but the floor was basically lava and I died not long thereafter.

                                • Anonymous

                                  great boss for people who like being one shot at low armor and stun locked to death for slow rolling or getting hit by 1 blue dart. pillars randomly getting in the way add to it well, i think RNG bosses are where this game really shines

                                  • Anonymous

                                    For anyone having trouble by accidentally vaulting off n what not rather than doing a full roll from his laser, stand still and do the back step just before the laser hits you makes that part of the fight super easy

                                    • Anonymous

                                      If you're playing Handler, don't expect your dog to res you too much. He'll get stuck under the floor constantly.

                                      • Absolutely hate fighting this boss. Either the other encounters are too easy or this one too unforgiving, but either way a single mistake here is enough to send you back to the checkpoint.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I have died more times vaulting the pillars instead of rolling more times to count. Try to predict when the bomb barrage comes out to avoid this

                                          • Killed it yesterday. I had flashbacks from Hellpoint during this boss fight (and N'Erud in general gives me vibes from that game too), especially from it's Final Boss : Interface / the Author ( ). Anyone else ?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Best dps phase - Spinning triple red beams attack: Stand on one of the outer segments that don't drop. You can very easily neutral dodge the beam when it gets to you, offering an excellent dps opportunity.

                                              Good dps phase - Purple beam attack: You can get quite a few shots in while dodging diagonally through the beam, making sure to dodge in a direction that lets you the ground effect as well.

                                              Good dps phase- Triple blue beam attack: Fire at the weak point as much as you can while making sure the sprint ahead of the blue beams whenever they catch up.

                                              Good dps phase - Single red beam sweep: You can focus on attacking the eye so long as you dodge the two time it sweeps its attack.

                                              Bad dps phase - Blue bomb barrage: Not worth risking losing the fight just to sneak in a cheeky shot or two.

                                              The adds have low health, so kill them immediately so you can focus on the boss again.

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