The Executioner Event

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Location Losomn
Reward Ornate Flail
Sapphire Dreamstone

The Executioner Event is an Event in Remnant 2The Executioner Event is a hidden passage, that players can find in Losomn by breaking a frame. Events are situations where a player can obtain special Items like Weapons or Consumables for solving a puzzle or finding a secret area. These events may or may not appear during your play through, requiring a restart or an adventure mode play for a chance of getting them. All Events are bound to their corresponding Locations.


Remnant 2 The Executioner Event Walkthrough

 executioner event room remnant2

 While traversing a location in a Fae Palace, players may come across a room decorated with ashen Dran bodies in front of an altar, patrolled by Armored Fae Soldiers.

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To the right of the altar, a portrait covers a hidden passage. Entering leads to a ledge above some water, where, after a player drops down, The Executioner reveals itself.

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The deep water will greatly hinder the players movement, turning many suffixes lethal when they would have been easily dodged otherwise. Players should therefore leave the water as quickly as possible. Do not run up the path too far, however, as a Fae Scion and multiple Fae Archers also hide nearby.

Defeating the Aberration rewards a MutatorSteadfast, and Corrupted Lumenite.

Keep exploring and you will reach a cavern-like structure, in which you will find an altar that contains an Ornate Flail in a room full of charred bodies. 

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Eventually, you will be able to resurface, but through the other side of a previously inaccessible area. You will find the Sapphire Dreamstone there, and reach a door that resembles a dark portal.

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  •  Alternatively, it is possible to sneak past The Executioner using the Assassin's Seal. Head straight for the passage on your left as soon as you drop down into the water and crouch down as soon as possible. You can then complete the short section, collect the loot and return to the platform before dropping down into the water to attack him, or just leave him alone if you don't want the kill.
    • For this strategy, be very careful to look if he has any suffix that lets him teleport himself or you. If he does, good luck and make a plan to fight him on terrain where you are not hindered or trapped.
    • A Ritualist with Miasma can apply statuses to him from near the exit door leading back to the main chamber with the painting. Not tested, but Amplitude may be required to get the required range. This will help aggro him and bring him into the open chamber if he can teleport, allowing you to kill him without the terrain disadvantage (or just kill him from there if he can't teleport).

Where to Find The Executioner Event in Remnant 2

The Executioner Event can be found in the following Locations

1 Requires The Awakened King DLC


The Executioner Event in Remnant 2 Rewards


The Executioner Event Notes & Trivia Remnant 2

  • Lore and other trivia go here.


All Events in Remnant 2
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    • Anonymous

      Great way to defeat him is use the Handler, get to the Ornate Mace location, and let the dog fight him on one side of the stalagmites while he tries to hit you through them with you on the Ornate Flail side. He will not be able to get through the terrain and you can just dodge his worst attacks. Watch for the Lantern Horror on your way there and run-and-gun it so the Executioner does not catch up to you before you can get over to the Ornate Flail side. To get to the flail side you will need to destroy the dran ash corpse on the ledge and jump up to get through.

      • Anonymous

        Finally killed this guy only to lose everything because a special enemy spawned in and killed me with poison as it also died. Gotta love how something like that can make it a salty experience.

        • Anonymous

          In the executioner fight if you run to the spiral staircase he won't come up it and you can cheese him from half way up the stairs. Still have to deal with his minions

          • Anonymous

            Not guaranteed to be in council chamber - found one in The Great Hall. Probably any "Fae" tileset has a chance at spawning the room.

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