The Clock Tower Event

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Location Hewdas Clock, Lemark District
Reward Broken Timepiece

The Clock Tower Event is an Event in Remnant 2The Clock Tower Event is an event that takes place in Losomn and revolves around traveling between an area and Lemark District .  Events are situations where a player can obtain special Items like Weapons or Consumables for solving a puzzle or finding a secret area. These events may or may not appear during your play through, requiring a restart or an adventure mode play for a chance of getting them. All Events are bound to their corresponding Locations.


Remnant 2 The Clock Tower Event Walkthrough

After visiting Lemark District, get back to Hewdas Clock head north to find the Clock Tower. There is a checkpoint just outside the clock tower called Hewdas Clock.

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You can also open the heavy double-sided Iron Door, from this side, unlocking a shortcut from the first Checkpoint.

Inside the clock tower, there is an elevator, that is currently not working. You have to climb up from the outside, by passing through the windows.

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You may find some Fae enemies. There are also some chests to find materials and loot. As you climb up, you will find a few more letters telling the story about the clock tower. Once you reach the end of the Clock Tower, there is a chest there that contains the Timekeeper's Jewel and a random Relic Fragment. There is a small switch near the chest, use it to activate the elevator.

You can interact with the big machinery, but you need to have the Clockwork Pinion in order to activate it.

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To obtain it, you have to input the time the Clock Tower is displaying on a clock found on Lemark District. This time appears to always be the same: 11:17.

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Head back to Lemark District and interact with the door on the table in the room full of clocks and insert the time the Clock Tower is displaying.

clock time

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After you insert the Clockwork Pinion, you can interact with the handle, thus restarting the clock, and a material will fall from one of the clock hands called Broken Timepiece.

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Where to Find The Clock Tower Event in Remnant 2

The Clock Tower Event can be found in the following Locations

 Related Locations:

The Clock Tower Event in Remnant 2 Rewards


The Clock Tower Event Notes & Trivia Remnant 2

  • The clock will ring its bells when it strikes 12:00


All Events in Remnant 2
Aerary Glyph Door  ♦  Altar of the Sun  ♦  Arrest  ♦  Bastion Event  ♦  Bells Event  ♦  Bird's Nest  ♦  Blackwood Altar  ♦  Broken Cable  ♦  Collapsed Tomb  ♦  Consort's Puzzle  ♦  Consorts Puzzle  ♦  Council Tribunal Puzzle  ♦  Crashed Train  ♦  Energy Event  ♦  Ethereal Manor Event  ♦  Fae Hunting Party  ♦  Fetid Corpse Event  ♦  Flooding Sewer  ♦  Gravity Drive  ♦  Green Capsule Room  ♦  Grime Crawler Event  ♦  Head Doctor and the Iron Safe  ♦  Hidden Elevator  ♦  House Lythla Glyphdoor  ♦  Industrial Chest  ♦  Item Inside Capsule A  ♦  Item Inside Capsule B  ♦  Labyrinth Backrooms  ♦  Leto's Stash  ♦  Living Stone  ♦  Locked Safe Losomn  ♦  Loose Fuse  ♦  Lost Dran Children  ♦  Man in the Sewers  ♦  Manticora from the Drain  ♦  Meidra's Sorrow  ♦  Meidre's Sorrow  ♦  Monster in the Drain  ♦  Navigation Room  ♦  Navigator Zombie  ♦  Nightweaver's Web  ♦  Portal Inertia  ♦  Postulant Event  ♦  Pounding Piston  ♦  Quarantine Event  ♦  Robot Hanger  ♦  Root Raiders  ♦  Secret Passage - Cipher Rod  ♦  Secret Passage - Energized Neck Coil  ♦  Stargazer's Tomb  ♦  Stasis Pod Chamber  ♦  Stellar-Powered Cell Puzzle  ♦  Supply Ship  ♦  The Burning Event  ♦  The Coffin  ♦  The Executioner Event  ♦  The Fae Council Event  ♦  The Feast Event  ♦  The Flames Event  ♦  The Flooded Room Event  ♦  The Hidden Library  ♦  The Mirror Hall  ♦  The Statues Event  ♦  The Train Event  ♦  Traitor's Pit  ♦  Yaesha Tower Puzzle  ♦  Zombie Cave

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    • Anonymous

      Technically, the correct time would be more like 7:12, not 11:17.
      The clocks Losomn seem to be set up for 8 hours, with 40 minutes per hour.

      • Anonymous

        Anyone know if activating the clock has any other changes on the world? It's apparently pretty important according the the lore.

        • Quick hint that maybe should be in the wiki: Before you decide to ascend the clock tower, look up and shoot the gargoyles, loosing the Fae enemies that would otherwise jump you when going up there.

          • Anonymous

            I think it's the same every time. It's been the same for me twice now. Short hand, one counterclockwise to 12 0'clock (what would be 11 but it only has 8 hour positions), and long hand between the 3rd and 4th positions clockwise from 12. I couldn't see the big clock that precisely, so I just tested each position between 3 and 4 till it worked, so like 4 or so on a real clock).

            • Anonymous

              Where you find the pinion it mentions something happening if the clock is turned back on and time is allowed to continue. I wonder if this is like the void heart quest where coming back some time later corrupts the world and leads you to an item.

              • Anonymous

                At the part where you set the time on the clock I turned around and looked behind me at the workbench and there was a little clock there with hands. I set the clock on the table to that time and it worked. Only did it once so I'm not sure if it's a fluke.

                • Anonymous

                  This quest isn't working for me, I put in the code and nothing happend, I even tried putting in every possible combination, yet it didn't work.

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