The Statues Event

wedding statues gilded chambers remnant2 wiki guide 300px
Location Losomn
Reward Golden Ribbon or Silver Ribbon

The Statues Event is an Event in Remnant 2Events are situations where a player can obtain special Items like Weapons or Consumables for solving a puzzle or finding a secret area. These events may or may not appear during your play through, requiring a restart or an adventure mode play for a chance of getting them. All Events are bound to their corresponding Locations.


Remnant 2 The Statues Event Walkthrough

During your travels in Losomn, you may encounter a statue of two faes holding hands.

wedding statues gilded chambers remnant2 wiki guide 300px

Somewhere else inside the location, you will find the Plain Ribbon on a randomly placed body.

Interact with the statue allows you to wrap the Plain Ribbon around the statue's hands. Leave the location afterward.

Upon your return you will be able to pick up an Amulet: Golden Ribbon is the reward for locations in the bright Golden Halls, while locations in the dark Shaed give the Silver Ribbon.


Where to Find The Statues Event in Remnant 2

The Statues Event can be found in the following Locations

 1 Requires The Awakened King DLC

The Statues Event in Remnant 2 Rewards


The Statues Event Notes & Trivia Remnant 2

  • Lore and other trivia go here.


All Events in Remnant 2
Aerary Glyph Door  ♦  Altar of the Sun  ♦  Arrest  ♦  Bastion Event  ♦  Bells Event  ♦  Bird's Nest  ♦  Blackwood Altar  ♦  Broken Cable  ♦  Collapsed Tomb  ♦  Consort's Puzzle  ♦  Consorts Puzzle  ♦  Council Tribunal Puzzle  ♦  Crashed Train  ♦  Energy Event  ♦  Ethereal Manor Event  ♦  Fae Hunting Party  ♦  Fetid Corpse Event  ♦  Flooding Sewer  ♦  Gravity Drive  ♦  Green Capsule Room  ♦  Grime Crawler Event  ♦  Head Doctor and the Iron Safe  ♦  Hidden Elevator  ♦  House Lythla Glyphdoor  ♦  Industrial Chest  ♦  Item Inside Capsule A  ♦  Item Inside Capsule B  ♦  Labyrinth Backrooms  ♦  Leto's Stash  ♦  Living Stone  ♦  Locked Safe Losomn  ♦  Loose Fuse  ♦  Lost Dran Children  ♦  Man in the Sewers  ♦  Manticora from the Drain  ♦  Meidra's Sorrow  ♦  Meidre's Sorrow  ♦  Monster in the Drain  ♦  Navigation Room  ♦  Navigator Zombie  ♦  Nightweaver's Web  ♦  Portal Inertia  ♦  Postulant Event  ♦  Pounding Piston  ♦  Quarantine Event  ♦  Robot Hanger  ♦  Root Raiders  ♦  Secret Passage - Cipher Rod  ♦  Secret Passage - Energized Neck Coil  ♦  Stargazer's Tomb  ♦  Stasis Pod Chamber  ♦  Stellar-Powered Cell Puzzle  ♦  Supply Ship  ♦  The Burning Event  ♦  The Clock Tower Event  ♦  The Coffin  ♦  The Executioner Event  ♦  The Fae Council Event  ♦  The Feast Event  ♦  The Flames Event  ♦  The Flooded Room Event  ♦  The Mirror Hall  ♦  The Train Event  ♦  Traitor's Pit  ♦  Yaesha Tower Puzzle  ♦  Zombie Cave

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    • Anonymous

      If you're having trouble trying to roll one of these in adventure, do it in campaign. I have a feeling the campaign is influencing roll possibilities for adventures. I've ran through over 50 Losomn adventures over the past week with 100% silver ribbon spawn and finally after I rerolled my campaign I got the statue event to spawn in Gilded Chambers, it's been 100% gold spawns since for adventures. I can't tell you how many times I was pissed when I came across Great Hall or Shattered Gallery and saw that statue, rerolled, and 5 minutes later came across it again. I have the same issue with rolling Endaira's end.

      • Anonymous

        To get all 3 possible rewards (gold ribbon, silver ribbon, and nimue's ribbon amulet) it sounds like you need to roll this up at LEAST 4 times. First you'd need to get both ribbons by rolling this event once each in both light and dark worlds. Then you need to trade them an Nimue's, and THEN you need to roll it once each again in both Light and Dark.

        If you already have a ribbon and would receive it again before you get its twin so you can trade it to Nimue, you'll just get scrap. Ugh that's tedious...

        • Anonymous

          Place the ribbon on the statue, then leave the zone the statue is in. When you re-enter the zone, the ribbon will change to either Gold or Silver.

          • Anonymous

            We had this spawn at the Great Hall feast event, put the ribbon on. There were no bosses besides the feast event, so we tried to do that one. Nothing. No ribbons, gold or silver. Seems to not work if it's on that event's tileset.

            • Anonymous

              Don't need to kill any of the bosses.

              I put it on the statues, explored further and returned later without having killed either Faerin or Faelin, and got the Gold Ribbon.

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