Monster in the Drain

monsterinthedrain event remnant2 wiki guide 300px
Location Losomn
Reward Academic's Set, Drakestone Pearl

Monster in the Drain is an Event in Remnant 2Monster in the Drain is a random event that can happen while standing near the drains. Events are situations where a player can obtain special Items like Weapons or Consumables for solving a puzzle or finding a secret area. These events may or may not appear during your play through, requiring a restart or an adventure mode play for a chance of getting them. All Events are bound to their corresponding Locations.


Remnant 2 Monster in the Drain Walkthrough

While exploring the area, you can be dragged by a Manticora if you stand close to a drain. It will take you to its lair, and you will have to fight it there. This Manticora is not special in any way, only that it has this event. It isn't stronger than the normal counterpart.

Note that the event can be triggered near any drain in the area. There is no visual cue or distinct feature to determine which drain will have the Manticora and which one won't.

monster drain


Where to Find Monster in the Drain in Remnant 2

Monster in the Drain can be found in the following Locations


Monster in the Drain in Remnant 2 Rewards


Monster in the Drain Notes & Trivia Remnant 2

  • Lore and other trivia go here.


All Events in Remnant 2
Aerary Glyph Door  ♦  Altar of the Sun  ♦  Arrest  ♦  Bastion Event  ♦  Bells Event  ♦  Bird's Nest  ♦  Blackwood Altar  ♦  Broken Cable  ♦  Collapsed Tomb  ♦  Consort's Puzzle  ♦  Consorts Puzzle  ♦  Council Tribunal Puzzle  ♦  Crashed Train  ♦  Doe Sanctuary  ♦  Energy Event  ♦  Ethereal Manor Event  ♦  Fae Hunting Party  ♦  Fetid Corpse Event  ♦  Flooding Sewer  ♦  Gravity Drive  ♦  Green Capsule Room  ♦  Grime Crawler Event  ♦  Head Doctor and the Iron Safe  ♦  Hidden Elevator  ♦  House Lythla Glyphdoor  ♦  Industrial Chest  ♦  Item Inside Capsule A  ♦  Item Inside Capsule B  ♦  Labyrinth Backrooms  ♦  Leto's Stash  ♦  Living Stone  ♦  Locked Safe Losomn  ♦  Loose Fuse  ♦  Lost Dran Children  ♦  Man in the Sewers  ♦  Manticora from the Drain  ♦  Meidra's Sorrow  ♦  Meidre's Sorrow  ♦  Navigation Room  ♦  Navigator Zombie  ♦  Nightweaver's Web  ♦  Portal Inertia  ♦  Postulant Event  ♦  Pounding Piston  ♦  Quarantine Event  ♦  Robot Hanger  ♦  Root Raiders  ♦  Secret Passage - Cipher Rod  ♦  Secret Passage - Energized Neck Coil  ♦  Stargazer's Tomb  ♦  Stasis Pod Chamber  ♦  Stellar-Powered Cell Puzzle  ♦  Supply Ship  ♦  The Burning Event  ♦  The Clock Tower Event  ♦  The Coffin  ♦  The Executioner Event  ♦  The Fae Council Event  ♦  The Feast Event  ♦  The Flames Event  ♦  The Flooded Room Event  ♦  The Hidden Library  ♦  The Mirror Hall  ♦  The Statues Event  ♦  The Train Event  ♦  The Treasure Room  ♦  The Waterfall  ♦  Traitor's Pit  ♦  Yaesha Tower Puzzle  ♦  Zombie Cave

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    • Anonymous

      If your dungeon has this event It wont have any other. I said this because I been trying for hours to find the meridian.

      • Anonymous

        can you get pulled in on a new adventure if you already have the item for killing the manticora? I never saw a body when I got pulled in

        • Anonymous

          I got grabbed TWICE in one campaign, and I found Academic armor set in The Great Sewer and Weightless Weight in Marrow Parish.

          • Anonymous

            The event is bugged as hell in Hardcore mode because you die and your character gets deleted because of it.

            • Anonymous

              Didn't know about the lair or the manticore, never got grabbed. Saw the hole that you're supposed to jump out of to leave the lair and managed to jump into it, skipping the trigger of getting dragged.
              Really difficult jump to do. Got lucky my second try, but haven't been able to do it again since.
              Not sure if speed or haste affects your jump distance, but I did it with Anastasija's Inspiration and Momentum Driver with weight at 0, used Healing shield to proc Anastasija's. No points in fitness.

              • Anonymous

                this is the most retarded mechanic I've ever seen. If you're playing with randoms this is just an insta death game over because even if you can be sent to the monster to fight it no random is going to know this.

                • Anonymous

                  When playing coop all players must die, after a player is dragged away, to be teleported to the monster location.

                  • Anonymous

                    Okay so ive found there are 2 of these. 1 in the sewers which gave the pearlstone ring and then above ground out of the sewers which gave the stone for the alchemist.

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