Ornate Flail

Melee Weapon

ornate flail melee weapon remnant2 wiki guide 300px


Critical Hit Chance11%

Weak Spoot Damage+100%

Stagger Modifier-3%

An intricately-forged mace with uniquely designed airways. Allows smaller wielders to get the mace up to speed much quicker.


Ornate Flail is a Melee Weapon and is one of the Weapons in Remnant 2. Ornate Flail is an intricately-forged mace with uniquely designed airways. It offers moderate damage and allows smaller wielders to quickly build up momentum, delivering swift and devastating attacks.


The Fae, perhaps more than most, revere the utility of death. Bloodshed has always proven an expedient solution to problems otherwise too troublesome to solve.


How to Get Ornate Flail in Remnant 2

  • Can be found in a secret room during  The Executioner Event.
  • During the event, there's a large flooded room with a cavern on its right. You will see the flail on an altar inaccessible behind some rock formations. Destroy some of the ashen corpses to clear a way to an elevated platform you can climb on which is opposite the entrance. Raise yourself up and follow the small corridor to the Flail.


Remnant 2 Ornate Flail Weapon Mods

Ornate Flail doesn't have any built-in Weapon Mods. Players can equip a Weapon Mod in the available slot.


Remnant 2 Ornate Flail Mutators

Ornate Flail doesn't have any built-in Mutators. Players can equip a Mutator in the available slot.


Builds that use Ornate Flail in Remnant 2

Ornate Flail is used in the following Builds:



Remnant 2 Ornate Flail Upgrades

 Ornate Flail is a Regular Melee Weapon, therefore it can be upgraded up to 20 times.

Upgrade Level Damage Crafting Cost
Upgrade Level 1
Upgrade Level 2
Upgrade Level 3
Upgrade Level 4
Upgrade Level 5
Upgrade Level 6
Upgrade Level 7
Upgrade Level 8
Upgrade Level 9
Upgrade Level 10
Upgrade Level 11
Upgrade Level 12
Upgrade Level 13
Upgrade Level 14
Upgrade Level 15
Upgrade Level 16
Upgrade Level 17
Upgrade Level 18
Upgrade Level 19
Upgrade Level 20


Remnant 2 Ornate Flail Notes & Trivia

  • This weapon was designed under the assumption that if you break enough bones, it won't matter whether your enemy's actually dead or not. 
  • Melee Weapons are up-close and personal Weapons, and can be upgraded as well as bought from Merchants or found throughout the world of Remnant 2.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia for Ornate Flail in Remnant 2 go here.


All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2
Abyssal Hook  ♦  Assassin's Dagger  ♦  Atom Smasher  ♦  Atom Splitter  ♦  Blade of Adventure  ♦  Blade of Gul  ♦  Bone Chopper  ♦  Crystal Staff  ♦  Decayed Claws  ♦  Dreamcatcher  ♦  Edge of the Forest  ♦  Feral Judgement  ♦  Gas Giant  ♦  Godsplitter  ♦  Hero's Sword  ♦  Huntress Spear  ♦  Iron Greatsword  ♦  Knuckle Dusters  ♦  Krell Axe  ♦  Labyrinth Staff  ♦  Mirage  ♦  Nightshade  ♦  Ornate Blade  ♦  Rebellion Spear  ♦  Red Doe Staff  ♦  Ritualist Scythe  ♦  Royal Broadsword  ♦  Rusted Claws  ♦  Scrap Hammer  ♦  Scrap Hatchet  ♦  Scrap Staff  ♦  Shovel  ♦  Smolder  ♦  Spectral Blade  ♦  Steel Flail  ♦  Steel Katana  ♦  Steel Scythe  ♦  Steel Spear  ♦  Steel Sword  ♦  Stonebreaker  ♦  Tal'Ratha Hammer  ♦  Vice Grips  ♦  World's Edge  ♦  Wrathbringer

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    • Anonymous

      To the right of the alter there is a painting of the nurses from the asylum, smash that and you're good to go
      The boss fight is tight so be prepared to take a beating

      • Anonymous

        When you arrive at the room with ashen corpses standing on altars and paintings on the wall, you will have to attack a portrait that is close to the ground to reveal a hidden passage to crawl through. Rest is straightforward, but you have to face a boss.

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