Atom Splitter

Melee Weapon

atom splitter melee weapon remnant2 wiki guide 300px


Critical Hit Chance6%

Weak Spot Damage+95%

Stagger Modifier7%

A giant tool for splitting heavy rocks.
fission strike weapon mod remnant2 wiki guide 75px

Fission Strikelocked mod

On Neutral Evade Attacks Atom Splitter achieves Nuclear Fission, releasing a wave of charged particles which deals 150 Damage to targets within 20m.

Charged Neutral Evade Attacks increase Range by 3x and Damage by 25%.


Atom Splitter is a Melee Weapon and is one of the Weapons in Remnant 2. Atom Splitter is a giant melee weapon that is capable of breaking apart heavy rocks and triggering controlled nuclear reactions. It offers destructive power and has extended range on certain attacks. Remnant 2 Atom Splitter is considered one of the more powerful weapons in the game.


Molecules to atoms, atoms to protons, protons to quarks--down and down into the fundamental quanticles of the universe. The deeper one goes, the more one understands how much one does not understand.


How to Get Atom Splitter in Remnant 2

  • Can be found in N'Erud in Dungeons with the Stasis Pod Chamber Event. This section is not part of the Event, but is a generated stucture that can happen before the Event Area
  • Upon discovering the room, watch the robotic arm coming down from the foggy area above. Also take note of where the broken catwalk to the area where the Atom Splitter is. 
  • When the Robot Arm comes down, run over to the ledge closest to the platform it just removed from the stack and do a walking jump onto it. then turn around and do the same onto the broken catwalk


Remnant 2 Atom Splitter Weapon Mods

Atom Splitter comes automatically equipped with the following Weapon Mod:

  • Fission Strike: On Neutral Evade Attacks Atom Splitter achieves Nuclear fission, releasing a wave of charged particles which deals 150 Damage to targets within 20m. Charged Neutral Evade Attacks increase range by 3x and Damage by 25%.

NOTE: Atom Splitter Weapon Mod CANNOT be removed, and can only be found exclusively equipped on it.


Remnant 2 Atom Splitter Mutators

Atom Splitter doesn't have any built-in Mutators. Players can equip a Mutator in its available slot.


Builds that use Atom Splitter in Remnant 2

Atom Splitter is used in the following Builds:



Remnant 2 Atom Splitter Upgrades

 Atom Splitter is a Special Melee Weapon, therefore it can be upgraded up to 10 times.

Upgrade Level
Crafting Cost
Upgrade Level 1
Upgrade Level 2
Upgrade Level 3
Upgrade Level 4
Upgrade Level 5
Upgrade Level 6
Upgrade Level 7
Upgrade Level 8
Upgrade Level 9
Upgrade Level 10


Remnant 2 Atom Splitter Notes & Trivia

  • It's not surprising that the Drzyr can split the atom. What's surprising is how much control they maintain over the ensuing nuclear reaction.
  • Melee Weapons are up-close and personal Weapons, and can be upgraded as well as bought from Merchants or found throughout the world of Remnant 2.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia for Atom Splitter in Remnant 2 go here.
  • Updated with the release of The Forgotten Kingdom DLC. Check Patch Notes for more information. Weakspot modifier from 90 to 95%, Critical Chance from 5% to 6%, and Impact Scalar from 6% to 7%. Also Increased Projectile Width of Neutral Backdash Charge Attacks
All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2
Abyssal Hook  ♦  Assassin's Dagger  ♦  Atom Smasher  ♦  Blade of Adventure  ♦  Blade of Gul  ♦  Bone Chopper  ♦  Crystal Staff  ♦  Decayed Claws  ♦  Dreamcatcher  ♦  Edge of the Forest  ♦  Feral Judgement  ♦  Gas Giant  ♦  Godsplitter  ♦  Hero's Sword  ♦  Huntress Spear  ♦  Iron Greatsword  ♦  Knuckle Dusters  ♦  Krell Axe  ♦  Labyrinth Staff  ♦  Mirage  ♦  Nightshade  ♦  Ornate Blade  ♦  Ornate Flail  ♦  Rebellion Spear  ♦  Red Doe Staff  ♦  Ritualist Scythe  ♦  Royal Broadsword  ♦  Rusted Claws  ♦  Scrap Hammer  ♦  Scrap Hatchet  ♦  Scrap Staff  ♦  Shovel  ♦  Smolder  ♦  Spectral Blade  ♦  Steel Flail  ♦  Steel Katana  ♦  Steel Scythe  ♦  Steel Spear  ♦  Steel Sword  ♦  Stonebreaker  ♦  Tal'Ratha Hammer  ♦  Vice Grips  ♦  World's Edge  ♦  Wrathbringer

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    • Anonymous

      I find world's edge to be better. Sure you can get more damage per hit with atom splitter but you actually attack slower than with world's edge. For ever charged neutral attack you do to get full value out of atom splitter you can do several attacks with world's edge meaning you get more damage overall and faster. Atom splitter is a noob trap. Stoping paying attention to dumb videos showing atom splitter doing tons of damage. That is weakspot damage stacking with the bore mod and you can use world's edge to do more faster.

      • Anonymous

        Just use World's Edge. Not worth the wonky ass jump on hardcore. You can still CLIP through the damn platform because Gunfire doesn't know how to match the actual OBJECT with the damn TEXTURES.

        • Anonymous

          ok but still works or after any kind of patch also this weapon is useless apart being in a beautiful collection?

          • So, is the special attack on this like the Blasphemous Blade/Gargoyle greastword from Elden Ring? Might actually make me use a melee weapon for more than breaking pots for once.

            • Anonymous

              They sure went all out in making the process of getting this weapon as cheap and annoying as possible, huh. The jumping mechanics are already working against you due to their clunkiness, and then you have to land on a thin, curved platform and somehow not fall off despite your character automatically rolling forward the moment you land. After that, you need to turn around, run to the edge of that platform and make another jump within roughly 2 seconds, or you're killed instantly and have to start back at the previous checkpoint.
              I've completed the game on both Apocalypse and Hardcore, and this crap was without a doubt among the top 3 low points of the game for me.

              • Anonymous

                To get the Atom Splitter you need to find the "matrix pods" event where the giant robot fingers turn around giant pod-cylinders.
                To me, this event always occurred in Vault of the Formless.
                This event affects the dungeon in two different areas.
                One area is small, the other one is very large and is mandatory to finish the dungeon.
                The large one has those giant fingers turning the giant cylinders and you have to get through those cylinders.
                However, the Atom Splitter is NOT in this area.
                The catwalk (platform) you need to jump-on, is NOT in this area.
                In fact, the catwalk that leads to the item, is in the small "matrix pods" area, somewhere else in the dungeon.
                If you rush too fast you might even not notice this area.
                It will be on the border of the map and looks like an edge before an abyss.
                There will be one giant fingers robot rotating two cylinders.
                The robot will extract small portions (sections) of the cylinders, exactly like in the large area - that you all inevitably found.
                Except this time, those small portions will be perfectly aligned with your position, literally inviting you to jump on.
                And the catwalk with the item will indeed be about 2 meters above you, to the right.
                You actually can't miss it visually because it looks like an entrance to an exploitable corridor.
                Finally, when the robot extracts the small portion, you can easily jump on it, wait a little bit, then easily jump on the damn catwalk.
                The sword is yours and its time for some Getsuga Tenchos !
                If you take too much time to get there, there will be no more small platforms extracted by the robot.
                You'll have to refresh the area.

                • Anonymous

                  Holy... even if I were 99 years old, with severe dementia and extreme deslexia, I still would've manage to make a better walk-through instructions...

                  • Anonymous

                    After the update I rate this as one of the best melee weapons. Stamina usage is manageable as one can choose when to fire its slash attacks which have a 60M range with a charged neutral evade attack allowing you to snipe enemies.

                    • Anonymous

                      To find it : you see how a certain nerud dungeon ends not with a boss fight but a whole section where you have to fight waves of mob until a robot arm rotates a big column, opening the path ? Well, in any nerud dungeon (except the tower one i guess), there is a probability that a tiny similar section Spawn in a corner of the dungeon. There is only a broken catwalk, and then the wiki explanation makes sense. Just wait for a robot arm to grab stuff on the column and jump on that stuff, it will act line a moving plateform.

                      • Anonymous

                        Although this weapon does low damage as a strictly melee weapon, it does seem to be more oriented towards ranged fights with a long range high-damage projectile. The sword is very long, which I don't know if it affects the hitbox range or not but the beam range is very far and can aim skyward unlike Earthbreaker. You also don't have to charge the spot dodge attack to fire the beam, and coupling with the fact that you can keep a safe distance to regen your stamina makes it quite spammable.

                        • Anonymous

                          "On Neutral Evade Attacks Atom Splitter achieves Nuclear fission" is one of the most badass descriptions of a ability.

                          • Anonymous

                            For the mod, what is randeby? Is that a bad translation or what? I'm happy to get 3x randeby but what is it?

                            • Anonymous

                              The wiki says any dungeon. So I'm here in Yaesha and I can't seem to find any robots. Am I doing something wrong???

                              • Anonymous

                                Dumb quest - i tried jumping onto the platform 3 times, every time my character just rolled off the cliff and died

                                • Anonymous

                                  Found this in Void Vessel facility, twice (on campaign and adventure). I feel bad for the dude below me. Cuz this weapon is a downgrade from iron sword

                                  • Anonymous

                                    After rolling for this one like 10+ adventures I think I found that it can only spawn in the first major dungeon on the world. Wont spawn on sidequest or second dungeons.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Does just over half the damage of my Iron Greatsword - both at max level. ~700 a swing with Iron Greatsword, ~375 a swing for Atom Splitter. The beam, fully charged, eats a 3rd of a bar of stamina while doing less damage than a standard charged attack. If you don't have the stamina, it won't fire the beam. It DOES pierce enemies, so with a well placed shot you can decimate a hallway. That and the long range and full aimability is the only saving grace. It would be an incredible weapon if the numbers were not that low. What a dissapointment.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The fact I have to constantly reroll an entire WORLD for a chance at items is baffling. Such a waste of time for one thing.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This for sure is NOT Putrid Domain. The description of how to get this is for sure VAULT OF THE FORMLESS. I cannot figure out which cylinder or catwalk they are referring to of course...

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