
Long Gun

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Ideal Range25m

Falloff Range75m

Max Ammo42

Critical Hit Chance10%

Weak Spot Damage Bonus+115%

Stagger Modifier0%


locked mod

Imbues shots with White hot FIRE. Hits apply BURNING, dealing 250 FIRE damage over 10 seconds. Lasts 20s.

Hitting an enemy cause shots to fragment, automatically targeting nearby enemies. Fragments strike for 30% of the initial damage dealt and apply BURNING.

Mod Power Requirement:1.250

A old Fusion Rifle refactored to store and violently release energy in each shot. Can be charged for more damage. Perfect release after Charge for maximum damage.

Savior is a Long Gun and one of the Weapons in Remnant 2. Savior is a long gun with a rich history, renowned for its power and effectiveness in long-range combat. Its primary fire packs a punch, delivering substantial damage to enemies. The Shatterstar mod enhances its shots with scorching white-hot fire, inflicting burning damage over a span of 10 seconds. 


I like to think that the Wanderer knew that they had fulfilled their purpose, defeating the Root and saving us all. They could finally put down the Savior, knowing that they wouldn‘t need it anymore on their journey beyond.


How to Get Savior in Remnant 2

Savior can be obtained by:

  • In Brabus' Shop after a Hardcore Veteran clear.
  • Deleting the character who unlocked them does NOT remove them from the shop.


Remnant 2 Savior Weapon Mods

Savior comes automatically equipped with the following Weapon Mod:

  • Shatterstar: Imbues shots with White hot FIRE. Hits apply BURNING, dealing 100 FIRE damage over 10 seconds. Lasts 20s.

    Hitting an enemy cause shots to fragment, automatically targeting nearby enemies. Fragments strike for 50% of the initial damage dealt and apply BURNING.

    Mod Power Requirement:1.250

NOTE: Savior Weapon Mod CANNOT be removed, and can only be found exclusively equipped on it.



Builds that use Savior in Remnant 2

Savior is used in the following Builds:



Remnant 2 Savior Upgrades

 Savior is a Special Long Gun, therefore it can be upgraded up to 10 times.

Upgrade Level
Crafting Cost
Upgrade Level 1
Upgrade Level 2
Upgrade Level 3
Upgrade Level 4
Upgrade Level 5
Upgrade Level 6
Upgrade Level 7
Upgrade Level 8
Upgrade Level 9
Upgrade Level 10


Remnant 2 Savior Notes & Trivia

  • Deals 1.85x Damage when fully charged. A perfect release deals 2.3x Damage.
  • Unlike bows, Savior only deals damage bonus when fully charged. Damage doesn't increase with charge level.
  • Fully charged shots can pierce any enemy.
  • In the midst of a desperate battle, Clementine forged this weapon as a final hope for the Wanderer to overcome Harsgaard, and it proved to be the only means of severing the Root's hold on Earth.
  • Long Guns are the primary weapon used by the player character, they are vital to defeating Enemies and Bosses and can be crafted from items dropped by them. They can also be rewarded from events, and some are sold by Merchants
  • Updated with the release of The Forgotten Kingdom DLC. Check Patch Notes for more information
    • Lowered Base Damage from 72 to 50
    • Increased Perfect Charge Modifier from 2.3x (166) to 3.4x (170)
    • Increased Overcharge Modifier from 1.85x (133) to 2.65x (133)
    • Increased Fire Rate from 1.9 to 2.1
    • Increased Reload Speed
    • Reduced Reserves by 6 (-1 Magazine)
    • MOD: Removed Weakspot / Kill Requirement for Fragments


All Long Guns in Remnant 2
Alpha-Omega  ♦  Aphelion  ♦  AS-10 Bulldog  ♦  Blackmaw AR-47  ♦  Chicago Typewriter  ♦  Coach Gun  ♦  Corrupted Aphelion  ♦  Corrupted Arbalest  ♦  Corrupted Deceit  ♦  Corrupted Merciless  ♦  Corrupted Savior  ♦  Crescent Moon  ♦  Crossbow  ♦  Deceit  ♦  Ford's Scattergun  ♦  Huntmaster M1  ♦  Merciless  ♦  Monarch  ♦  Monolith  ♦  Nightfall  ♦  Plasma Cutter  ♦  Polygun  ♦  Pulse Rifle  ♦  Repulsor  ♦  Royal Hunting Bow  ♦  Rusty Lever Action  ♦  Sagittarius  ♦  Sparkfire Shotgun  ♦  Sporebloom  ♦  Starkiller  ♦  Thorn  ♦  Trinity Crossbow  ♦  Twisted Arbalest  ♦  Widowmaker  ♦  Wrangler 1860  ♦  XMG57 Bonesaw


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    • Anonymous

      Why did they completely change how this weapon works compared to the original anyway? Was there something wrong with the design of the original Fusion Rifle? Makes no sense.

      • Anonymous

        the only weapon i was able to break a 20k hit. next closest was sporebloom. alot of setups and a wormhole but its still funny 1 shotting a boss.

        • Anonymous

          I can't do it bros, it's the only thing that I don't have. They f***ed up this awesome weapon from Remnant From The Ashes from what I saw anyway. :(

          • Anonymous

            If you create a hardcore character, and then join a normal character for the final boss do you get the achievement? I know its cheese just curious

            • New corrupted variant coming possibly with new batch of corrupted weapons so we'll get our minigun back thinking maybe christmas event from the games discord info

              • Anonymous

                Kind of sad that the one minigun in from the ashes was turned into just another bow type weapon.

                Crescent moon is better in almost every way for this type of weapon.

                • Anonymous

                  The way I see it guys, with how the game is now even after the patches you should get your rewards. But just to be on the safe side don’t skip the final cutscene. Skipping it still seems to screw people over rewards wise.

                  • Anonymous

                    Unlisted feature worth noting - perfectly timed charge shots penetrate through multiple enemies for 100% of the damage, regular shots/charges only hit the initial target.

                    • Anonymous

                      This is how I got this: play your main until you are familiar with bosses and unlock bright steel ring and black cat band. Run Leto 2, bright steel, black cat + 2 rings and amulet of choice with Engineer and Challenger or Handler main for an extra revive. 2 extra "lives" and most hits will do 5-10% damage if you don't overlevel by upgrading guns too fast. Last boss at his minimum level of 14 is pretty easy if you're 14 or 15 yourself. So level guns only as you need to keep at your world levels -1, then once you get the blackened citadel checkpoint just before the boss, head back and level guns as high as you can. Farm levels and upgrade mats if you're nervous about him still. Cube fight is the only skill wall. Other than that just be careful. Avoid ledges, never let anything alive behind you etc.

                      • Work wonders with Hunter's skill "Hunter's shroud". Time to charge each shot is just enough to enter "Ambush" mode. Meaning every charge shot will do 50% more damage.

                        • Anonymous

                          Does this mean I can do a hardcore veteran clear on one character and then buy the gun on a different character that isn't hardcore?

                          • Anonymous

                            I did hc veteran 2 times. without swapping game modes, glitches and skip final scene. still not have the gun

                            • Anonymous

                              I want the rapid fire fusion rifle from remnant FTA. That thing was like a souped up m4a1 that melted everything

                              • Anonymous

                                I like how they hid a unique (and presumably fun) weapon behind a perma-death mode in an already-difficult game that also has multiple bosses (and situation/dungeons) with unavoidable instant-kill attacks (in that you can't escape or be revived if you mistime a dodge).
                                Even better, it's in a difficulty setting that they expect most people to find challenging on a playthrough with a new character (which is literally required when starting hardcore mode).
                                My absolute favorite part, though, is how the game can glitch and not even acknowledge the achievement.
                                p.s. It's also pretty neat to lock players into a single difficulty for the entire campaign. I mean, there's no possible way that anyone might get a bit bored 2/3rds of the way through their very first playthrough because things have gotten too easy. And no one in history has EVER wanted to lower the difficulty a little for just one particularly unfair encounter. I mean, no one plays games for FUN, right?

                                • Anonymous

                                  I don’t know why everyone is flipping out so much that the gun is different. It even makes sense in lore. Also, do people like not understand just how overpowered old fusion rifle would be in this game? You get radiant set for free as a mutator and you get labyrinth set for free as a class. You literally would have both R1 builds for fusion rifle in a single build in this game. It would legitimately break the game

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Good gun overall.
                                    Wish they made it function like in the first game, though, like a minigun.
                                    It's now like a fusion between a bow and a pulse-rifle - only thing I don't like.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I told myself I would only get this gun since it was broken in the first game by beating the game on a hardcore apoc character....I did after 4 days. I sighed. dropped it and picked back up my coachgun. its ok the coachgun forgave me and said it understands the draw of the root....but not to ever let it happen again and this time around I have to sign a prenuptial agreement that trust has to be earned back. stay with your workhorse people grass isnt always greener on the otherside.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Bro wtf... i did get the hc amulet but not the weapon... why this game have to be so broken ?
                                        im done after 4 apo runs and 1 hardcore.... go away stupid game.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I'm posting this in every 'beat the campaign to unlock' item:
                                          For those that didn't unlock it after beating the final boss. It SEEMS to be something to do with swapping game modes, I beat the campaign once after the patch and it still didn't unlock, but then I saw someone say something about beating it without ever going to adventure mode and decided to try. Guess what, now the vendors are selling the new stuff.
                                          I'm not sure about doing coop or joining others, didn't test that. But if you're playing solo try to beat it all in one go, don't even load the adventure mode.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Anyone know if I beat it on a harder difficulty will it still unlock the gun or does it HAVE to be Veteran?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This... this isn't even the same weapon. Why reuse the model if it's nowhere near it's original functionality?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                this actually has by far the highest burst dps in the game without mods. and like 20% less dps than the crescent moon bow with mod active. dont know what its dps is with its own mod active) oh and like 65% higher burst dps than the nightfall with mod

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  wtf is this? where's my minigun? i don't care that the engineer has a minigun, i wanted THIS minigun....bruuuuuh. why even put it in then? just put in another weapon....

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Has anyone received this weapon on HC veteran? Some said it doesn't require the difficulty to be set to Apocalypse.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I found it in the shop after hc apocalypse clear. Im not sure if it has to be on apocalypse to appear though; remnant from the ashes had the HC rewards regardless of difficulty, i assume remnant 2 would follow the same reward structure

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        did the HC+apoc, weapons not showing on brarus, get rings on reggie however (daredevil,dran rind,proviser, ahanae and dryzr)

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