Blood Bond


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Archetype Summons absorb X% of damage taken by the caster


Blood Bond is a Trait in Remnant 2. Blood Bond is a Trait that allows your character's summoned entities to absorb a considerable amount of damage, shielding the caster from harm.


Remnant 2 Blood Bond Trait Effect

Blood Bond is a Trait that provides the following effect:

  • Archetype Summons absorb X% of damage taken by the caster
  • At max level, Blood Bond Summons absorb 10% of damage taken by the caster


Where to find Blood Bond in Remnant 2

Blood Bond can be found:

Remnant 2 Blood Bond Trait Levels

Blood Bond upgrades its effect as you level up your Archetype, or spend more Trait Points in it. Note that for any Archetype Trait that reaches max level (Level 10), players can unlock that trait for any archetype from the archetype page, without needing to equip its respective Engram.

Level 1 Summons absorb 1% of damage taken by the caster
Level 2 Summons absorb 2% of damage taken by the caster
Level 3 Summons absorb 3% of damage taken by the caster
Level 4 Summons absorb 4% of damage taken by the caster
Level 5 Summons absorb 5% of damage taken by the caster
Level 6 Summons absorb 6% of damage taken by the caster
Level 7 Summons absorb 7% of damage taken by the caster
Level 8 Summons absorb 8% of damage taken by the caster
Level 9 Summons absorb 9% of damage taken by the caster
Level 10 Summons absorb 10% of damage taken by the caster


Remnant 2 Builds that use Blood Bond

Blood Bond is used in the following Builds:



Remnant 2 Blood Bond Notes & Trivia

  • The Damage mitigated is evenly split among your Summons. Having more Summons doesn't increase the damage mitigation.
  • This instance of damage reduction is multiplicative with your total damage reduction.


  • Traits are unique passive abilities that provide bonuses and buffs to a player. There are three types of Traits in the game. 
  • Core Traits are common for all four Classes, and are unlocked as soon as you begin the game.
  • Archetype or Class Traits, are locked behind their respective Archetypes, and only one can be equipped one at a time, unless you have the ability to combine any two of your Archetypes.
  • The third type, called simply Traits can be equipped by any Class, but have to be unlocked. Unique Archetype Traits can be leveled up as you level up the corresponding Archetype. On the other hand, the rest require Trait Points in order to be upgraded. Note that they cap at level 10.
All Traits in Remnant 2
Affliction  ♦  Ammo Reserves  ♦  Amplitude  ♦  Arcane Strike  ♦  Barkskin  ♦  Bloodstream  ♦  Chakra  ♦  Dark Pact  ♦  Endurance  ♦  Expertise  ♦  Fitness  ♦  Flash Caster  ♦  Footwork  ♦  Fortify  ♦  Gifted  ♦  Glutton  ♦  Handling  ♦  Kinship  ♦  Leech  ♦  Longshot  ♦  Potency  ♦  Recovery  ♦  Regrowth  ♦  Resolute  ♦  Resonance  ♦  Revivalist  ♦  Rugged  ♦  Scholar  ♦  Shadeskin  ♦  Siphoner  ♦  Spirit  ♦  Strong Back  ♦  Swiftness  ♦  Triage  ♦  Untouchable  ♦  Vigor  ♦  Wayfarer


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    • Anonymous

      Changed it so that the 10% dmg absorption applies ONLY to Summoner minions and nothing else. They basically made it one of the most specific traits in the game where it is even MORE specific to its class than the Archetype traits themselves which can be mixed with other classes for various builds.Essentially now you cannot do a min maxed balanced Tank/Gun damage build as the Summoner's damage perk gives nothing towards gun damage. You either do a caster/tank build or get inferior results with anything else and lets be honest Summoner's minions aren't build to last like the Engineer's turrets,rather they are build to be sacrificed and resummoned making the already iffy use of this trait even more suspect. Why did they make this seemingly mind boggling change? WHO KNOWS. I DOUBT EVEN THEY KNOW. I WANT MY OLD BLOOD BOND BACK.

      • Anonymous

        This just got nerfed. It no longer applies to all archetype summons like the engineer's turret, instead it ONLY applies to the summoner archetype's minions. The description was even changed to say so. This change was undocumented in the DLC2 game patch.

        • Anonymous

          Actually ridiculous on Explosive builds because you don't give two shits about your flyers and it doesn't proc on self-harm either so it's basically just free DR when you summon them. Since you don't care at all if they die or not there is zero drawbacks to this.

          • Anonymous

            This actually goes into effect after other sources of damage reduction. Once you have reached the 80% cap, you can get a bit more tranky with this. It should be noted, though, that since it happens after, it's less than 10% of the total.

            So if:
            Incoming damage= 100
            DR - 80% = 20
            Bloodbond redirects 10% of 20 = 18

            You get 2% extra damage resistance. It's not too much, but better than it sounds.

            • Anonymous

              In practice it functions almost exactly like Barkskin but with the added condition of requiring minions. More minions does not mean more absorption; the game simply takes the damage you would take and splits it up more amongst the minions you do have up until it all adds up to the 10% extra DR.

              And similar to the other flat DR sources like Barkskin, the more baseline DR you have from stuff like Armor, the lesser the bonus you get from other flat DR sources, since all DR is bundled together multiplicatively.

              In other words if you have 10 points to spend, just lump it in Barkskin.

              These trait needs to get a buff to either be a higher value (like 15%-20%) or have it get more benefits the more number of summons you have. As it stands it is simply not worth it and you in fact nets you an extra worry about your minions dying quicker.

              • Anonymous

                alrdy wasted 10 trait points with a build which has "only" 68% dr.
                100 dmg hit will be 32 dmg after DR.
                with blood bond that 32 will befurther reduced to 28.8 rounded to 29 dmg.
                if u would want to get 29 dmg straight u need 71,2% DR.
                so those 10 trait points give u 3% dr even with that "low" dr value.
                if ur going for 80 its becoming even worse.

                • Anonymous

                  Just tested, this trait distributes 10% of damage taken (after DR) evenly among your summons. More summons does not equal more damage absorption.

                  • Anonymous

                    I have tried it with a friend, if he spears me, I take 12 and my dog takes 1, then heals immediately, so it seems to work for the dog.

                    • Anonymous

                      Just so everyone here is aware: THIS TRAIT IS NOT GOOD FOR HIGH DR BUILDS

                      It doesn't give you DR, it just directs 10% of the damage you take to your summons, so if you have 75% DR like me, your summons will effectively be giving you 2.5% damage resistance.

                      • Anonymous

                        So if you built a 80% DR tank, and used this for a 10% reduction after it already is reduced by 80%, then theoretically it would reduce damage beyond the 80% limit?

                        • Anonymous

                          never feels like this is working, been rocking an Engineer and Summoner with the big summon and I maxed out the big guy's health with Rugged lvl10 butI can't ever tell if its absorbing my damage I take. Does my summon have too much health and I just can't see it?

                          • Anonymous

                            If you have multiple summons, is that at max rank 10% per summon? So if I have my dog and 2 Hollows would that be 30% of my damage taken absorbed and given to my summons?

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