World's Edge

Melee Weapon

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Critical Hit Chance3%

Weak Spot Damage+85%

Stagger Modifier80%

A glowing Greatsword forged from shards of a shattered Worldstone. Charge
attacks cast waves.

Horizon Strike
locked mod

Charge Attacks release a wide horizontal projectile that penetrates through multiple enemies dealing 116 damage.


World's Edge is a Melee Weapon and is one of the Weapons in Remnant 2. World's Edge is a glowing greatsword crafted from shattered Worldstone shards. It delivers potent damage with charge attacks emitting waves. The Horizon Strike mod empowers charge attacks to release a penetrating horizontal projectile dealing 116 damage to multiple enemies.


Harsgaard had us all fooled, played us like a fiddle. Who could have guessed that he was in cahoots with the Root? And yet, despite all odds, he managed to survive all these years... though I wouldn't exactly call it 'surviving'. "


How to Get World's Edge in Remnant 2

  • Can be obtained in Brabus' Shop after defeating one World Boss per world on Apocalypse. (Note: World Bosses do not need to be defeated in campaign mode or in a specific order to be able to purchase this item.)
  • Deleting the character who unlocked them does NOT remove them from the shop


Remnant 2 World's Edge Weapon Mods

World's Edge comes automatically equipped with the following Weapon Mod:

  • Horizon Strike: Charge Attacks release a wide horizontal projectile that penetrates through multiple enemies dealing 116 damage.

NOTE: World's Edge Weapon Mod CANNOT be removed, and can only be found exclusively equipped on it.


Remnant 2 World's Edge Mutators

World's Edge doesn't have any built-in Mutators. Players can equip a Mutator in its available slot.


Builds that use World's Edge in Remnant 2

World's Edge is used in the following Builds:



Remnant 2 World's Edge Upgrades

 World's Edge is a Special Melee Weapon, therefore it can be upgraded up to 10 times.

Upgrade Level
Crafting Cost
Upgrade Level 1
Upgrade Level 2
Upgrade Level 3
Upgrade Level 4
Upgrade Level 5
Upgrade Level 6
Upgrade Level 7
Upgrade Level 8
Upgrade Level 9
Upgrade Level 10


Remnant 2 World's Edge Notes & Trivia

  • Crafted from the very fragments of the shattered World Stone, this formidable sword possesses a unique ability to turn the Root's power against them. Though heavier than most swords, it more than compensates with its crushing blows. Crackling with root energy, it seems almost alive in the hands of its wielder. hungry for the blood of any and all foes.
  • Melee Weapons are up-close and personal Weapons, and can be upgraded as well as bought from Merchants or found throughout the world of Remnant 2.
  • Notes, Tips, and Trivia for World's Edge in Remnant 2 go here.
  • Unlike Remnant: From the ashes, the World's Edge Horizon Strike is able to reach ~10 meters and is able to be aimed vertically to hit aerial enemies.
  • Updated with the release of The Forgotten Kingdom DLC. Check Patch Notes for more information.


All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2
Abyssal Hook  ♦  Assassin's Dagger  ♦  Atom Smasher  ♦  Atom Splitter  ♦  Blade of Adventure  ♦  Blade of Gul  ♦  Bone Chopper  ♦  Crystal Staff  ♦  Decayed Claws  ♦  Dreamcatcher  ♦  Edge of the Forest  ♦  Feral Judgement  ♦  Gas Giant  ♦  Godsplitter  ♦  Hero's Sword  ♦  Huntress Spear  ♦  Iron Greatsword  ♦  Knuckle Dusters  ♦  Krell Axe  ♦  Labyrinth Staff  ♦  Mirage  ♦  Nightshade  ♦  Ornate Blade  ♦  Ornate Flail  ♦  Rebellion Spear  ♦  Red Doe Staff  ♦  Ritualist Scythe  ♦  Royal Broadsword  ♦  Rusted Claws  ♦  Scrap Hammer  ♦  Scrap Hatchet  ♦  Scrap Staff  ♦  Shovel  ♦  Smolder  ♦  Spectral Blade  ♦  Steel Flail  ♦  Steel Katana  ♦  Steel Scythe  ♦  Steel Spear  ♦  Steel Sword  ♦  Stonebreaker  ♦  Tal'Ratha Hammer  ♦  Vice Grips  ♦  Wrathbringer

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    • Anonymous

      Just to let everyone know, because there was a lot of misinformation, if you complete the entirety of the campaign in someone else's world, you do infact get this item from their Brabus. I'm not sure what the bare minimum is, but if you complete the whole campaign in the same person's world, it will be available at their Brabus. I'm 10,000% sure.

      • Anonymous

        So I joined someone’s game on Apoc and beat annihilation, started a campaign and beat the other 3 world bosses in my campaign and the sword unlocked. I didn’t need to beat annihilation on mine

        • Anonymous

          I've gotten conflicting information. My wife and I are clearing an apocalypse campaign currently, but in her game. Provided that I kill all of the world bosses in her campaign, I shouldn't have to complete an apocalypse run in my world, correct?

          • Anonymous

            Is it overpowered? Yes. Does it make atom splitter nigh useless? Yes. Do you deserve it? VERY MUCH YES THIS IS A WORTHY REWARD

            • Anonymous

              For anyone grinding this out, this page has faulty information. Doing three world bosses on apocalypse in adventure mode DOES NOT unlock this weapon. Instead a full campaign is needed since you need a world boss from EVERY world.

              • Anonymous

                I noticed my World's Edge gained a unique particle effect in Yaesha. Does anybody know if that is tied to something? It disappeared when I went to Losomn.

                • Anonymous

                  If you suck at dodging just like me, then cheese it with firestorm build + star shot:

                  Class: Archon/Engineer
                  Head: Crown of the red prince
                  The rest of the armor: Leto mark 1
                  Relic: tranquil heart with mod damage/duration/cast speed
                  Long gun: Sparkfire with firestorm & feedback
                  Handgun: Star shot with failsafe
                  Amulet: Whispering Marble
                  Rings: black cat band, dried clay, stone of malevolence & band of the fanatic

                  maxed: kinship, regrowth, strong back, triage, vigor, spirit, amplitude, siphoner
                  the rest in to barkskin

                  Just make sure always keep firestorm on the boss to have constant hp leech.

                  • Anonymous

                    If you suck at dodging like me, you can cheese Annihilation with this tornado build . I died many times, but I beat him at the end.

                    • Anonymous

                      After quite a bit of testing I can say with confidence that this is the only melee weapon in the game that allows you to make a pure melee only build. Due to the DOT pools bosses like to constantly spawn in apocalypse, such a build might not be viable for that difficulty, but it seems to be very effective throughout nightmare. Have only had a few situations where I took any real dmg in veteran. Those were times I had 2 partners and the boss/aberration had particularly nasty affixes… important to note that playing pure melee with team mates will inevitably result in you taking significant team dmg. Nothing you can do about that. They’re not likely to sit in the corner quietly as you solo something and it is difficult to shoot something roughly human sized without also hitting the dude with the sword right beside/in front of it. This is probably my favorite build so far.

                      • Anonymous

                        Okay somethings apparently missing.

                        David made a AMA on reddit and mentioned you get the rewards for compleating a campaing. But the game keeps track if you killed
                        A world boss of all 3 world
                        the labirinth boss
                        and anhiliation

                        I did Anhiliation on Multiplayer and didnt get it.

                        Doing the 3 world bosses and labirinth in a seperate campaign unlocked me the Apocalypse rewards. Even without Defeating the final boss.

                        • Anonymous

                          If you’re having trouble with apocalypse, just sit and wait with multiplayer active until a player with a Japanese name joins your campaign.

                          • Anonymous

                            don't be intimidated that its locked behind apocalypse, harder difficulties are less dependent on skill and more on patience and attrition. grab the bright steel ring for fast dodges and just practice your timing. besides, the weapon is definitely worth the time investment. just be grateful this isn't a hardcore mode unlock

                            • Anonymous

                              Do you have to beat your campaign to unlock the sword? Or can you just join someone else’s campaign and kill annihilation to unlock it?

                              • Anonymous

                                The real strength of this weapon is its 80% stagger modifier, and not its charged attack; the charged attack is nice, but it actually deals much less dmg than Iron GS's charged attacks. For eg. Iron GS with Matriarch's Insignia as a Challenger/Medic, World's edge charged combo (3hits) is 886*3= 2658. Iron GS full charged combo is 1044+1106+1167=3317. Iron GS's charged attacks have higher scalings for subsequent charged melees; World's edge does not.

                                Also, just for the stagger's reference, with World's edge, the nbr of normal melee attacks it takes to stagger enemies (with Mythic Stagger dmg equipped): Root Melee tank on Yaesha: 3-4 hits; Pan Royal Guard: 3-4 hits; Dran Chainsaw hobo: Staggered a total of 6 times with consecutive normal melee attacks before dying. You'd actually use this weapon for the stagger because it gives you a noticeable increase in breathing room as a Melee tank, which increases your survivability and buys more time for your coop members to deal more dmg.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I'm sorry, EIGHTY percent stagger modifier??

                                  According to the wiki, the melee weapon with the next highest stagger modifier is the Iron Greatsword with THIRTEEN percent.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This thing is insane, not only does it hit through walls, slice through enemies and has the largest projectile, it also has way more range than in the first game. It entirely invalidates using other melee weapons with some exceptions here and there. The fact that there are a lot more flying enemies and bosses that are far away does make this almost a must for an universal melee build. Watch to not cut up your squad mates, though.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      It's bugged currently. Stamina cost of Horizon Strike only reduces with general stamina cost reduction, melee stamina cost reduction has no effect on it.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Same as other rewards, the bug was fixed in the recent update. In my case, after warping to Blackened Citadel (Apoc) and then returning to Ward13, Brabus had all items available for sale.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Ain't no way the stagger modifier is 80 percent. They better be capping or I'm gonna do nothing and stick with big sword.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I did normal Apocalypse, but I only got the Nightmare Weapons. I guess if you havent done Nightmare you have to do it 2 times.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              this sword can get in normal mode!!
                                              i just got it today

                                              just go get it from normal Apocalypse NOT Hardcore Apocalypse folks<3

                                              • Anonymous

                                                this weapon is way better than in the 1st game. Also, regular apoc clear and it didn't drop for me. I rerolled and played another apoc campaign up until I had all the shards from the 3 area bosses and then Brabus had it in the shop. hope that helps!

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This legit feels insane, I know that the game is all about replay but why lock a weapon that is key to the melee only build behind basically completing the game on the hardest difficulty. Which... You kinda need said weapon to do if your going melee only.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Drops from normal apocalypse clear if you cleared on apocalypse and don't have it your game is bugged.

                                                    With that out of the way One thing I don't see anybody talking about is how the actual sword performs. I gotta say it's pretty dope. Not just because it's a big red two-handed sword that shoots energy beams, but because those beams overpenetrate the environment.

                                                    You can hit things through walls through the floor if they're above you. And just like in the first game you can use combo it with the ring that applies bleed on charge attacks to make the beams apply bleed. Super fun melee weapon.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Developers themselves claim that there are no unlocks for HC Nightmare and Apoc, only for Survivor and Veteran.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Like Replusor, SporeBloom and Hero's Sword. You only need to complete the difficulty without hardcore.
                                                        Apocalypse clear unlocks World's Edge

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I literally just beat the game on Apoc and he isnt selling it. After fighting that boss for hours, im furious.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I've seen people saying that they unlocked World's Edge after a normal apoc clear, not a hardcore clear. Would appreciate some testing.

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