Mysterious Dran is a NPC in Remnant 2Mysterious Dran is a strange and unnamed character that you will come accross in multiple locations during the game. NPCs in Remnant 2 interact with players in different ways, and depending on the player choices, may be pacific or hostile towards them, defy them or even give them rewards to allow them, or even sell them equipment or Items, acting as Merchants.


You're knocking on the door of reality, but from which side?
I see you watching me...but do you see who's watching YOU?
Live and die, live and die...again and again...until the end.
When will the key realize it IS the door?
Are you dead? Or just dreaming?
Are you dreaming? Or just dead?


Mysterious Dran Location in Remnant 2

Mysterious Dran can be found in multiple locations:


Remnant 2 Mysterious Dran Items and Interactions

Please see the following dedicated pages for details on interactions with the Mysterious Dran:

During the multiple interactions with the Mysterious Dran, you will be able to obtain the following items:


Remnant 2 Mysterious Dran Notes & Tips

  • The Mysterious Dran seems to breake the fourth wall in the game. He realizes the player character is being controlled and watched in each step, and encourages the player to question his "reality" in the game. He also seems to have passed through the experience of coming back to life after dying, just as the player.
  • Mysterious Dran is exclusive to The Awakened King DLC.
  • Other Notes and tips for Mysterious Dran go here...



All Remnant 2 NPCs
Bo  ♦  Bridge Warden  ♦  Card Jester  ♦  Clementine  ♦  Elowen  ♦  Feast Master  ♦  Ford  ♦  Jester  ♦  Likh  ♦  Lydusa (NPC)  ♦  Nimue  ♦  Oracle of the Dran  ♦  Preacher  ♦  Private Jack Driver  ♦  Riewen  ♦  Root (NPC)  ♦  The Custodian  ♦  The Eternal Empress  ♦  The Flautist  ♦  The Keeper  ♦  The Laemir  ♦  Uuqul  ♦  Wallace

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